Ekaterina Maskaeva
I'm a learning and development strategist, instructional designer, and business trainer who helps companies unlock their employees' potential by crafting engaging learning programs, finding the most efficient learning strategies, and bridging the gap between what companies need and what employees want.

If you are a fast-growing start-up, we are a perfect match

  • 1
    Jack of all trades
    and Master of each. Beyond designing and delivering training, I develop a clear and forward-thinking Learning & Development strategy aligned with organizational goals and identify learning opportunities that contribute to the company's long-term success.
  • 2
    Savvy saver
    I will not ask you for a big budget for L&D but I will find the best cost-effective learning solution available and make sure it works.
  • 3
    Change champion
    Recognizing the pivotal role of change in startups, I will champion transformation through learning. I will guide teams through uncertainty, fostering resilience and growth with strategic and tactical learning initiatives.
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    Technology navigator
    I keep companies at the forefront of innovation. Embracing cutting-edge technologies, I make sure that your learning experiences align with the latest advancements, driving performance and efficiency.
  • 5
    Science advocate
    Every engaging element of the learning experience I create is rooted in evidence-based practices, ensuring that your team's learning journey is as effective as it is beautiful.
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